Sunday, 28 November 2010

The Evil Haircut

Um, this was me when I got shaved! I did not like it.
It hurt, I never ever ever always want to do it again because it is funner than being at the haircut place because she is creepy (no she is not says mom!).
Today I went to Ikea and drank 3 cups of lingonberry juice and I ate an ice cream which was yummy and I ate the fastest of the world.
My friend Sten came to play and we played the kids take over the world with Playmobil.
It is the last night that I can set my shoe.

Happy Sinterklaas!
The Stink

Sunday, 7 November 2010

The autographed ball

Today I went to this baseball clinic with Major League players. They taught us things about playing baseball, like fielding, throwing and hitting. There were players from the Florida Marlins and the Baltimore Orioles. There were also players from the Dutch team. After we got done we were waiting in line to meet the players and pappa gave me a ball for them to sign. Afterwards I got a bag with a superlarge Orioles t-shirt and a Orioles hat and a Snickers bar. Tuesday I am doing it again in Rotterdam.

That's all for today
