Monday, 30 April 2012

Crazy Polar Bear on Tye's Birthday

Um, on Tye's birthday we went to the zoo, we saw all the animals and then we went to the polar bears and then we went inside and then the polar bears have like a swimming pool thingie and inside you can see all the water, how deep it is and then you saw Vicks the young polar bear and he was swimming under water and like trying to eat our hands when our hands were on the glass. It was very funny, a lot of people were watching that, it was very funny. He kept diving to a little boy and trying to eat him but the boy was behind the glass and the little boy didn't even notice he was there!

1 comment:

  1. Dette så veldig gøy ut. Godt at det er glass mellom dere og isbjørnen....Går det bra med Tye og den nye sykkelen ? Snart har du bursdag, hva ønsker du deg ? I dag er det sommervær i Oslo. Farfar har vært på sykkeltur og jeg har gått langs elva.
    Hils til Tye, Mamma og Pappa.

    Hilsen Farmor
