Monday, 30 April 2012
Crazy Polar Bear on Tye's Birthday
Friday, 28 October 2011
Sniper training
Today mommy picked me up from school and she said fast - I have tickets for the sniper exhibition. And it was very fun and we were shooting targets and I was the pro. I think.
Tye says - I hit the target and I had a gilly suit on and Aidan too. I also did a knights tournament on a horse skippy ball with a sword and helmet.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Master Disaster of Lego
Yesterday I was in the Lego Speed Competition, the first time I ever signed up for anything!
It was really fun but I didn't win. I did get to keep the airplane model we all built. I was 3rd and the 1st prize was this little Lego game was awesome little people and in that game you had these knights and troll thingies and then you have a base of knights and trolls and then at the bases they had these little weapons. And the winner was cheating! Everybody said that. He already opened the box when we weren't allowed to open it yet.
Today we went to a dog show and saw puggies, Australian shepherds, Vislas, Boston and French bulldogs and I saw collies, corgies, chihuahuas and German shepherds and a Czechoslovakian wolf dog.
Now I am done. Cole I miss you and I am going to send a picture of my airplane. It is the same one you have at Ama's. Give Roscoe a hug from me and from pappa too.
Friday, 8 July 2011
The jungle
We have a vegetable garden and we planted courgettes (zucchini for the Americans) and lettuce and carrots and pumpkins and sunflowers and tomatoes and peas.
Now it became a monster, a jungle! The courgette is taking over the garden! The courgette was 704 grams and 31 cms. How is mommy going to eat that? They won't stop growing!! We are real farmers, says Tye.
I have a sunburn but it is almost over. It hurt when I pitched but not yesterday.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Tye's Birthday

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Aidan striking out!