Sunday 21 February 2010

This is in the morning when mommy dropped the egg on the floor. She was making American pancakes. And uh, mommy does not use her brain. She was walking and dropped the egg on the floor!
I went to the movie to watch ASTRO BOY and I ate pancakes for breakfast and had a blue drink at the movies and now I have some broken bones - just kidding.
Tomorrow I am going to get a new Blue Birds baseball uniform with pappa and go mini golfing and going to have lots of fun.
And now Aidan is going to get some broken bones, I must say ( he is playing with my huge exercise ball).
Yeah, I think I am done.
Aidan is going to stink the world with his skunk toots


  1. Look at you, Aidan ~ what a busy weekend! Disco, waffles & pancakes galore, golfing and your new uniform ~ sounds like loads of fun. You will have to post a photo of your Blue Birds uniform.

    Now you know, it is tres easy to drop an egg so mommy is not all that brainless, it's cleaning it up that is difficult (did YOU touch it?) and that's when you can really use a dog ~ it is very good for their coat and they make short-order of the chore.

    Keep up the skunky farting and stay away from broken bones,

  2. Jeg har mistet egg i gulvet flere ganger og det er veldig "klissete". Var det du eller Tye som tørket opp ? Gleder meg til å se bilde av deg i den nye baseballdrakten din. Her snør det fortsatt og er veldig kaldt. Håper snøen forsvinner før det blir sommer.....

  3. ......hilsen Farmor
