Monday 19 April 2010

Today when I was watching a minute ago, I was looking at ESPN America. Tampa Bay Rays vs The Red Socks. The Rays are leading 8-0.

I have not been blogging because I have been having accidents! I crashed on my bike, I smashed up my ear and I ran into a tree with my cheek. But I am ok.

Tye wants to say - I feel on my knee. I had 2 boo-boo bands. And I have another boo-boo on my finger. And on my thumb. Whoa. That is good. 

I caught a really awesome line drive on Sunday! It was a hard ball but it did not hurt. Everyone said - WHOA! when I caught it. 

Tante had a baby on Saturday - PLEASE send us a picture of Doolin!

See ya later, alligator

The Stink


  1. Kjære Aidan,
    Håper du har det bra etter uhellene på sykkelen. Det er vondt å kjøre av på sykkel, jeg har gjort det flere ganger så det vet jeg. Er du klar for Tye`s bursdag ? Han fortjener sikkert en fin gave....Hvis flyene går kommer vi til bursdagen.
    Ha det fint og hils.
    Hilsen fra Farmor

  2. Whoa is right, I remember line drives being hard and scary to catch when I used to play baseball. Way to go! Did you see the pictures of Doolan. He is a funny baby. You might have to give Cole some advice on what it is like to be a big brother. He doesn't like it when Doolan cries but otherwise I think he thinks he is ok. I will try to send some more pictures soon. Keep up the awesome work in baseball and no more accidents...

    Love you
