This was a picture of me batting during a game against the other Blue Birds team. I didn't hit a homerun :-(
The weather was really bad. First it was ok, then it was bad. It was rainy and cold. We played two games, the third team didn't show up. I played shortstop and first base. The weather was not fun!
Yesterday pappa and I set a world reccord: we caught 750 balls in one day. Today pappas arm hurt and mine doesn't. Today we went from 750 to 1020. Pappas shoulder hurts :-)
Two days ago I lost my tooth in the middle of the night when I sleeping. Mummy was happy but I am little mad because now I can't scare her. My other front tooth is also loose.
Goodnight and have a super fun happy easter!!!!
Cool picture, you are such a baseball stud! That is a lot catching. I like playing catch and baseball, but Cole doesn't, I wish he did. Although I think my belly is too big right now to play any baseball. Did you swallow your tooth or was it somewhere in the bed? Eeeeewwwwwww!!!! Does the tooth fairy come or do you save all your teeth in a little box like Cole? I hope you guys have a great easter and that the weather gets better so you can wear Pappa's arm out some more. Give that stinky little brother of yours a smack on the butt from me.
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Hei til The Homerun King Aidan,
ReplyDeleteKan du forklare meg hva det betyr å spille "short stop" og "first base"? "Homerun" er litt lettere å forstå. Synd at du bommet foresten, neste gang får du fulltreffer.
750 baller høres mye ut, ikke rart at pappa har vond skulder!
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