Wednesday 10 March 2010

This is a picture of me at the airport when I was doing an airplane game. I was picking up mommy, she went to Edinburgh. Now she is sick.

And we ate airplane pancakes and I played in the playground. Mommy got me Lego keychain with feet that light up and a t-shirt.

Today I went to Lennard's party and I got a little Lego man. They ate fricandel and I hate that so I had my own sandwiches. And I swimmed. The cake was disgusting - yucky. 

Tante, I heard you have a skunk under your house! Are you sure it just isn't Cole being stinky? Or me from far away?

Tye says - Rashida poured honey on my head. I said - Ik wil het niet! (I don't want that!). Pappa washed my hair today because mommy is sick and now the bears won't eat me!


  1. Hey Stinky Boy, you really look like you're at the helm of an airplane here ~ is that what you'll want to do someday? Oops, sorry, pitching professional baseball on on the agenda for the future, isn't it? Regardless, you are looking good as a pilot here.

    Very happy to hear that Tye is safe from the bears now that the honey is out of his hair but I do not envy papa having to wash it ~ was the whole neighborhood alarmed at the screaming?

    Post another of your great drawings so I can replace one of my iTune album covers with it!

    Have a great weekend,
    love (oh how yucky),

  2. You little munchkins are so very funny ... you bring laughter into my days!

    I think I should go to the birthday parties with you ... I love cake. What exactly is "fricandel"?

    I was in the pool swimming yesterday too. It had rained all day long but it cleared right around the time of my class. Today is a gorgeous day ... the sun is shining, the birds are singing and we have a cricket in our house who chirps quite loudly.

    Baseball tickets are here. I guess if we're going to go to a game together this year we'll have to come over there to one of your games!

    Whatever possessed Rashida to pour honey on Tye's head? She must like him a lot.

    Take care of mommy. It's no fun being sick!

    Hugs to all of you,
    Aunt Vicky

  3. Hei igjen,
    Tok du noe foto av Tye med honning i håret?
    Bra at han ble reddet av pappa fra å bli "bamsemoms".

    Flysimulatoren ser ut som riktig fly. Hvordan var det å fly?

    Ellers var den med skunken til tante ganske morsom. Du er sikker på at Cole forstår en spøk?

    Hils til mamma og si at hun må bli frisk, ikke noe godt å ha vondt i ørene.
    hilsen fra Farfar
