Sunday 25 July 2010


Tye says - I am cycling on Aidan's old bike and I ride super good and I am drinking a lot of water and I am being drunk. 

We celebrated later by having 4 scoops of ice cream (it was not 4 scoops says mommy). 

I can blast like lightning.

Friday 23 July 2010

Home again

No pictures today. We spent 11 hours in the car and our brains are smagoogled.
So, back in Delft. A few more days with Ama.
Austria was great! A lot like Tahoe. The food was far too salty and everything had ham on it. I won't miss the food. I will miss Seefeld, I liked it there.
On our last day we rented bikes and rode around. Went to the FREEZING cold river and played in the turquoise mermaid water. A good way to end our trip.
And Tye didn't throw up on me today!

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Il Vomitare

Tye says - We are going to Italy and we got some cookies and chippies and we are going to sleep in the car. 

Amy says - oh my, what a day. This is towards to end of our scenic drive to Italy, where Tye threw up on himself and on me TWICE! Anders said, let's go for a drive over the mountains to Italy. Sure, we said. It twisted and turned and before I knew it, Tye had thrown up vanilla yogurt all over me.  Then we get to Merano, Italy. It is so damn hot, we can't do anything. Except have some lunch. And buy Tye some clean clothes. We get back in the car and twisty turny surprise - Tye throws up yet again, all over himself and me. Pizza and apple juice this time.  Then he fell asleep but by that time the damage had been done. NEVER AGAIN! 

Yes, it was gorgeous but remember to always check to make sure your children are not prone to car sickness prior to embarking upon the steepest, twisty-turny, tummy lurching drive ever. 

I demand a present now. It is no fun being puked on twice in one day.

Monday 19 July 2010

Alpine Zoo

This was a picture, this is the coolest zoo, the Alpen Zoo. We saw bears, this bird, moose, a baby moose with a broken leg, what else did we see? A lynx, bison, wolves, mountain goats. We saw marmots. 

We went to Innsbruck and we ate ginormous ice creams shaped like roses. They were really good. And now I think Tye needs to do something.

Tye says - my picture is the vulture. Um, we were going to the vultures and then we saw a baby moose with a broken leg and a big pappa with big antlers and a mommy was there and just the wolves we saw and the bears and the brown bear and a normal bear and went to eat by Innsbruck. And then I will throw Uncle Peter in the trash can.  And bla bla bla.

Amy says - We did go to the zoo today, a great zoo. The best part was the baby lynx and the bears. Yesterday we went swimming at the worlds greatest swimming pool. Deep pool, shallow pool, baby pool, outside pool, water slides and you can get out of the water and walk upstairs to the restaurant! In your suit! Yummy pizza in my tummy.

I cannot forgot to mention Jesus and the slugs but that is another story. Quite literally.

Nighty night all.

Friday 16 July 2010

Is it Friday today?

Amy says - Today we went to Leutasch, to the Goblin Gorge. A lovely walk through the gorge, across a series of bridges. Water the color of turquoise. When I grow up I am going to become a mermaid and live there. 

We stopped halfway to have a tasty beverage and Tye found the water can! It was a hot day and who can resist dunking your head on a hot day? After we visited the waterfall - freezing cold back there. Then back up through the forest. We saw a mouse!

Catty was back in the house tonight but she has left again. It has been glorious weather, perfect for iced tea and ice cream. What will tomorrow bring?

Thursday 15 July 2010

I am watching Oops,  a funny show about all these people doing funny things. The rest of the day was boring. Just kidding. I went mountain biking, that was fun. I went uphill and won all the races against farfar and pappa. We tried to catch fish at the lake with my butterfly net. Later we went into Seefeld and it rained. It rained on a sunny day!

Tye - we saw an ant pulling a dead bee. I wore my new skull head swimming trunks and tried to catch minnows. The worlds longest slug we saw on our back door.

Amy - it rained, it poured. An old granny will be snoring tonight. We decided we don't need to buy cuckoo clocks because we have a house full! And tomorrow we plan to actually DO something. 

Wednesday 14 July 2010

First day in Seefeld

Ummmm, bleeee. This is a picture that pappa takes when we were taking a walk to the stores. I got a butterfly net and a big knuffel dog (knuffel being stuffed animal in Dutch).

Farfar visited us today and I will go mountain biking with pappa and farfar in the morning. 

Tye says - Catty is the house cat who wants to come in our house every morning and then I saw Catty as I was waking up today. Catty was scared and now is he gone. 

Good night everybody who is not on vacation with us.

Monday 12 July 2010

Tomorrow vacation!

Aidan and Tye have drifted off to sleep, tomorrow we are off early to Austria.  We'll do our best to post a blog each day to let you know what we have been up to.

Today we tried to do something cultural but realized too late that all museums seem to be closed on Monday. The only thing left to do is have a sword fight in the back yard with your granny!