Sunday, 25 July 2010


Tye says - I am cycling on Aidan's old bike and I ride super good and I am drinking a lot of water and I am being drunk. 

We celebrated later by having 4 scoops of ice cream (it was not 4 scoops says mommy). 

I can blast like lightning.


  1. Tye, du "ride super good" men det er farling å sykle når du er "drunk".
    (Det var sikkert bra med iskrem etterpå).

    Nå kan du sykle på tur med Aidan, mamma og pappa, men du må være forsiktig.....

    Her i Oslo regner det i dag. Farmor har begynt på jobben igjen og alt er som normalt. Jeg har alt jobbet en uke.

    Hilsen Farfar

  2. Yay Tye!! I saw the video of you riding super fast like lightning, I am very impressed. Mommy and Pappa better watch out because there will be no stopping you now...


  3. Hi Tye,

    I am home now and missing all of you but so glad I was able to see you go fast as lightening on your 'new' bike. You did a fantastic job of adapting to a bike with pedals and Aidan is a super big brother the way he cheers you on. Guess you'll be keeping Papa busy after work as you practice more and more - have great fun at it.

    Love to all,
