Tye says - We are going to Italy and we got some cookies and chippies and we are going to sleep in the car.
Amy says - oh my, what a day. This is towards to end of our scenic drive to Italy, where Tye threw up on himself and on me TWICE! Anders said, let's go for a drive over the mountains to Italy. Sure, we said. It twisted and turned and before I knew it, Tye had thrown up vanilla yogurt all over me. Then we get to Merano, Italy. It is so damn hot, we can't do anything. Except have some lunch. And buy Tye some clean clothes. We get back in the car and twisty turny surprise - Tye throws up yet again, all over himself and me. Pizza and apple juice this time. Then he fell asleep but by that time the damage had been done. NEVER AGAIN!
Yes, it was gorgeous but remember to always check to make sure your children are not prone to car sickness prior to embarking upon the steepest, twisty-turny, tummy lurching drive ever.
I demand a present now. It is no fun being puked on twice in one day.
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