Friday 15 January 2010

fireworks, the pink firework

I took this picture on Fireworks Eve - New Years Eve. I was watching the big fireworks with my pappa. I was wearing special glasses that protect your eyes from those fireworks who come to burn you in little black crumbs.

This week I got my picture taken for my Norwegian passport and I was totally bored. I had a Happy Meal and I got Theodore in it - from the Chipmunks.

I think I am done with writing. Good night!


  1. Hei Aidan,

    Flott bilde, var du virkelig våken helt til kl 12? Fint og smart å bruke briller.

    Gratulerer med snart norsk pass, da blir du både nederlender, amerikaner og norsk på en gang - ikke dårlig.

    Håper at dere kan få tid til en liten skiferie i løpet av vinteren

    hilsen fra farmor og farfar

  2. Nice picture, Aidan. Are we going to see your Norwegian passport photo? Lucky boy, having two passports.

    I think I see a trend developing ... you seem to be bored a lot. At least you weren't tooting while you were having your picture taken. That's progress.

    Have you run your laps yet for your school?

    Roxy is having trouble going down the step so Uncle Peter is making a little ramp for her. This should make it easier for her to get out into the back yard. He's bribing her with treats right now to get her to try the ramp.

    The sun is shining but not for long. We are supposed to get a series of storms and I'm hoping we won't get washed away.

    Later, alligator ...
