Thursday 7 January 2010

First baseball practice of the new year

Hello everybody out there!
How is it going in the warm, warm land?
Here is a picture of me warming up for batting practice. I hit almost all the balls, only missed two balls.

And uncle Peter,
how is it going with Roxy? Can she walk or not?

Goodnight everybody, pappa says I have to go to bed.

And that's all from the adventures of the Stink Pig for today.

Stink Pig


  1. Happy to see you back, Stinky Pig Boy!

    Looking good at batting practice - sounds like you held up against those balls. Did you say you had one of those backdrop nets at home as well?

    Still hoping to see some of your own camera work, Aidan - know you have an interesting eye.

    Have a fun this weekend,

  2. Howdy stink boy! You look so professional. What a nice indoor practice place. I'm so glad you get to play all year round.

    love from Tante, Uncle Baldhead, Cole, and Roscoe the beastie dog
