Wednesday 20 January 2010

This is me running with people. We were running to get money for school. I ran 16 laps. I just ran and ran. (aside from mom - aren't you glad you didn't sponsor $10 a lap Uncle Peter?).
I went swimming today and after I got a little paper and on the paper it said I can swim for my diploma! I am excited. (He will be taking his exam on the 30th).
I got 4 euro from the tooth fairy and I am going to save it for something big and nice.

Goodbye and goodnight
The Stink


  1. Uncle Peter for Cole21 January 2010 at 04:27

    Great job, were you very tired out? Happy New Year!

  2. Hei Aidan,

    16 laps ? Ikke dårlig - hvem betalte, mamma?

    Gratulerer med nesten svømmediplom, du klarer det så lett som bare det. Nå er det vel Tye som må starte snart eller kanskje du kan være hans svømmetrener?
    Mulig at "the tooth fairy / Norge" også har noen penger å komme med, hvem vet?

    hilsen fra Farfar

  3. Wow, 16 laps! You beat Cole's record. He had two fundraisers at his school doing the same thing and the most he did was 15. Sweet deal from the tooth fairy too. Cole also recently lost a tooth but for some reason he wants to save all his teeth. He has them in a special jar, yuck.

    love you-
