Wednesday 27 January 2010

This is me and my friend, Noah. And we are eating lunch.
I went to Noah's birthday party and we went mini golfing at Scheveningen and it was like pirate golfing. I had a chocolate milkshake at McDonals and the others had cheeseburgers - yuck! And all the kids except me had cola zero. My mommy won't let me drink cola.
I am feeling sick, I have a tummy ache. I went back to school today and yesterday some boy threw up in the jacket area and that is everything. Now I am dying. Bye!


  1. Hei Aidan,

    Fint bilde..håper at du blir bra i magen din snart. Litt synd at mommy ikke lar deg drikke cola, men når du blir voksen kan du vel bestemme det også selv...
    Jeg går på ski hver helg og det er fremdeles kald med masse snø. Du får fortsette å "mase" på mamma og pappa om en skiferie.

    hilsen fra Farfar (og Farmor)

  2. A Happy Sunday to you, Aidan,

    Hope you are feeling better by now - that swimming test would have been awful with a tummy ache.

    Cole & I saw the newest Chipmunk movie yesterday then to a noodle house for lunch ~ it is not as good as Wagamama's but we like it. Cole really liked the movie except when he covered his eyes and said, 'love gets in the way of everything' (the chipmunks have girlfriends this time around) ~ I really laughed.

    Hope you had some fun this weekend and are ready for another boring week at school!

    love you and all that good, yucky stuff,
