Sunday 3 January 2010

Hello everybody out there! This is my first blog. Mommy is helping me.
This is a picture of me, learning how to ski in Norway. We are at the ski jump in Oslo.
I am learning to ski and I fell sometimes. And I ate waffles! It was cold and I went super fast when I went down. And it gave me the heebie-jeebies. I had a super heebie-jeebie time. And that is everything.


  1. Blog has been updated so that anybody should be able to comment

  2. Hei Aidan,

    Du har laget en kjempefin blogg. Farmor og jeg kommer til å sjekke hver dag om du har skrevet noe nytt. Kanskje du kan fortelle litt fra skolen din neste gang og legge ved noen fotos?

    Farmor & farfar

  3. Aidan,

    You're looking so cool in your ski gear and on the slopes - loved watching Papa's movie of you and Farfar in action!

    When will we see some of the photographs you've taken with your new camera?


  4. Hola Aidan,
    Awesome blog little man! Can't wait to see your updates. Now I can keep you up to date on all the Giants news, Spring Training starts in two months!

    BTW, love your favorite books...mine too.

    Love you,
    Aunt Vicky and Uncle Peter

  5. Okay, something is happening to the comments I've made. They've disappeared. Could I possibly not know how to work this? Perhaps.

    So Stink Pig ... you look like Darth Vader in a ski outfit. Very Cool.

    Roxy needs to wear doggie shoes so her feet don't slide all over the floor.

    Papa is right. Need to get your sleep so your body is strong and ready for baseball.


    Aunt Vicky
